Foucault News

News and resources on French thinker Michel Foucault (1926-1984)

FoucaultAgainstHimselfFoucault against Himself
By (author) Francois Caillat
Translated by David Homel

Arsenal Pulp Press

Price: $17.95 CAD $17.95 USD
ISBN: 9781551526027
EPUB ISBN: 9781551526034 (check your favourite retailer)
Availability: Coming soon. For more information contact

A thought-provoking collection of essays on Michel Foucault that reframes his legacy.

In his private life, as well as in his work and political attitudes, Michel Foucault often stood in contradiction to himself, especially when his expansive ideas collided with the institutions in which he worked. In Francois Caillat’s provocative collection of essays and interviews based on his French documentary of the same name, leading contemporary critics and philosophers reframe Foucault’s legacy in an effort to build new ways of thinking about his struggle against society’s mechanisms of domination, demonstrating how conflict within the self lies at the heart of Foucault’s life and work.

Includes a foreword written especially for this edition by Paul Rabinow, Professor of Anthropology at the University of California (Berkeley) and an influential writer on the works of Foucault; he is the co-editor of The Essential Foucault.

Foucault against Himself features essays and interviews by

Leo Bersani, American Professor Emeritus of French at the University of California (Berkeley) and the author of Homos

Georges Didi-Huberman, French philosopher and art historian; his most recent book is Gerhard Richter: Pictures/Series

Arlette Farge, French historian and the author of The Allure of the Archives

Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, French philosopher and the author of La derniere lecon de Michel Foucault


One thought on “Foucault against Himself (2015)

  1. stuartelden says:

    Reblogged this on Progressive Geographies and commented:
    The contributors are good, and give some hope this will be a worthwhile collection, despite the dreadful title.


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